Big Dreams Brewing at Horsepool Farm!

Hello, wonderful Burbage community! We're delighted to share something truly special brewing right here in our neighbourhood – the setup of Horsepool Farm, a future therapy farm designed to support young autistic individuals and their families. Spanning 6.5 acres, our vision is to create a peaceful retreat where nature meets nurture.

As we lay the groundwork, and there’s a LOT to do, for a home to horses, ponies, donkeys, alpacas, sheep, goats, chickens, and maybe even some ducks, we're calling on our amazing community for support. From physical help to advice and donations, every little bit helps us move closer to our goal.

Interested in lending a hand? Please contact Charlotte, our dedicated Farm Manager, who is passionately coordinating these efforts. Your support at this foundational stage is invaluable and deeply appreciated!

Keep an eye on this space for more updates, and feel free to spread the word. Let’s plant the seeds of kindness and watch as they grow into a nurturing haven here at Horsepool Farm!

Horsepool Farm is being setup and ran by The David Lock Horsepool Foundation, registered charity number: 1200321


Meet Blue & Bear, our delightful Dartmoor duo!